TxB InsightsSeptember 2020
Goldman Sachs has proudly launched a digital-first Transaction Banking financial cloud that’s built from scratch. The modern infrastructure has a consumer-grade user interface, is open, and connected to support evolving and growing businesses.
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Designing Better APIs for Modern Treasuries
APIs have already dramatically reshaped user experience in a variety of platforms and industry sectors. Corporate Treasuries have begun to use and benefit from APIs for payments, bookkeeping, cash-flow, and reporting. See how GS TxB is rethinking APIs to make it easier to connect with ERPs, treasury workstations, and directly with Corporate Treasuries. 
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Cybersecurity Concerns by Treasury/Finance 
GS Innovation
Building a Better Platform for Privileges and Authentication
See what it means to leverage modern, leading-edge security technology to strengthens safety while significantly improving processes.
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